



Body System Benefits:

Your skin, heart, brain, joints, hormones and mood.

Fish Oil and CoQ10 (Coenzyme Q10) individually have incredible health benefits.

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is naturally produced by the human body and is a critical component in cell function. CoQ10 generally decreases with age and is shown to be low in patients with some chronic diseases such as heart conditions, muscular dystrophies, Parkinson’s disease, cancer, diabetes and if you LOW energy levels.

Can we assume that CoQ10 can prevent these such diseases ? No! but when we consider the elements of a healthy lifestyle, and the proper nutrition to supplement and encourage healthy living CoQ10 simply stands out as a core nutritional supplement that is vital.

Fish oil contains important Omega-3 fatty acids , most notably eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and decosahexaenoic acid (DHA). These Omega-3 fatty acids are believed to have health benefits ranging from reducing the risk of heart attack and coronary heart disease to combating depression, boosting immune system and energy levels.


  • A healthy heart

  • Increase good cholesterol

  • lower triglycerides

  • manage inflammation

  • Recommended: Pregnant woman should have 900 mg of fish oil per day (equivalent to a serving of salmon per day)

Product Description:


In recent years, there have been hundreds of studies published on the benefits of omega fatty acids. They have been proven to support and improve healthy cholesterol levels, healthy brain function, and reproductive health.

Coenzyme Q-10 (CoQ-10) is another key substance the body needs to function optimally. Every cell in the body needs CoQ-10 to create energy. CoQ-10 also helps minimise LDL cholesterol oxidation, supports the heart, and is an important factor in preserving mental function by protecting brain cells.

Omega-Q provides both these essential ingredients in one convenient source.

How to use it:

1 bottle contains 56 soft gels = £1.05 per day for the safest, purest omega 3 supplement.

Why Barbara recommends it:

This is fantastic product for everyone needing more Omega 3.

It’s wonderful for any hormone issues like PMT, Menopause, menstruation issues and pain.

It’s also super for lifting your mood naturally and I recommend anyone with anxiety and depression to take OmegaQ.

If you have achy joints, this is also GREAT for reducing inflammation quickly.



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