Revamp Your Wellness Workbook

Revamp Your Wellness Workbook


This workbook has templates for 3 months.

The workbook is filled with templates from the series to help you continue your ReVamp journey and stay accountable to your health and wellness. The templates are a continuation of those in the 9-book series, so you’ll be familiar how to use them.

The daily habit builder is a daily routine tick-list which helps to provides structure and a logical sequence to our busy day, week and lives. It provides the framework within which we live our lives and conduct our daily activities. Soon we become familiar and comfortable with what we have to do each day. It allows us to experience a flow to our day with all the new healthy habits you have learned and you want to incorporate into your life.

Keeping the weekly meal planning going will help you stay on track for long-term health goals, plus helps you budget your meals and keep you organised with a variety of foods fuelling your body and mind.

The gratitude journal can be good for organising your time and working things out. Research shows that ‘journaling’ can help us manage stress by understanding what’s going on in our minds. You can practice gratitude by writing down the things you’re grateful for on a daily basis. This can boost your mood from feeling ‘OK’ to feeling good more regularly. Also, it’s great when you flick back and see all the nice recordings you made as reminders for the things you appreciate in life. This method is amazing for tracking feelings, tasks and events. It can help you to organise your thoughts into an easily trackable format, so you can keep tabs on your mood.

The ReVamp workbook templates can be self-soothing, and you can do it at any time of the day. Everyone will approach it differently and it’s important to feel as though it’s helping you stay on track.

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