Revamp Your Wellness Book 8

Revamp Your Wellness Book 8


ReVamp Your Wellness Book 8 is all bout hormones, peri-menopause, menopause and strategies to cope if you or a family member has reached this stage in life.

Barbara’s expertise and knowledge base in nutrition, naturopathy, mental health practices, business and personal development have led her to create a series of books, around ‘Revamp Your Wellness’. The nine-book series offers practical tips and transformational tactics that anyone can easily grasp and implement for long-lasting results.

ReVamp Your Wellness Book 8 is all bout hormones, peri-menopause, menopause and strategies to cope if you or a family member has reached this stage in life. I talk about foods to fight the menopause and strategies for targeting belly fat and remedies for cellulite (for both women and men!).

There are tips to stay consistent with your meal planning and diet, alongside the healthy habit builder and gratitude journal.

There are over 30 new recipes to help with hormone balancing, build health bones and cleansing with some juices.

I also deep dive into osteoporosis as it can strike at any age, but affects women during the menopause stage, but bear in mind that osteoporosis affects both men and women. Osteoporosis is often called the 'silent thief' because bone loss occurs without symptoms unless one has fractured. Osteoporosis can result in disfigurement, lowered self-esteem, reduction or loss of mobility, and decreased independence, therefore super important to Revamp your Wellness around building strong bones.

To encourage you to stay accountable, motivated and to give you some extra tips throughout the book, you can activate the QR codes which open a video of me guiding you.

Looking forward to joining you throughout the 9-book series and celebrating your healthy achievements.

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